how to market your small business for free

Boost Your Brand Visibility with This Simple Marketing Tip:

Are you a small business struggling with the high cost of branded bags? I’ve been there. The large order quantities and steep prices for branded packaging can be out of reach for many of us. But as resourceful entrepreneurs, we find creative solutions to get our names out there.

How to market your small business for free:

Here's a fantastic marketing tip for you: maximise your branding at events without breaking the bank. Picture this: you’ve invested £120 to attend a large event for the day, where 20,000 people will be wandering around. You want to make sure your product stands out and gets noticed. But how?

Let your customers do the advertising for you, just like the big brands do. One of the most effective methods I’ve discovered is adding branded labels to the handles of plain paper bags, tied with ribbon. It’s a bit time-consuming, but the results are worth it. As people carry your bags around, your brand name will be prominently displayed, catching the eyes of other attendees. This is a great example of affordable branding and cost-effective marketing strategies.

Imagine this scenario: someone buys your product, receives their beautifully labeled bag, and sits down for a coffee. They place the bag on the table, and suddenly, everyone around them sees your brand name. It’s free advertising, and it’s incredibly effective.

I also use stickers on the bags for a quicker but still impactful branding option. Don’t miss out on this golden opportunity to market your brand. Every bag you give out at an event should be an ambassador for your business. This type of event marketing is essential for small business promotion.

So, next time you’re preparing for an event, think beyond the product. Think about how you can turn every sale into a walking advertisement for your brand. DIY marketing ideas like these can significantly boost your brand visibility and help your small business grow. It’s a simple strategy, but it makes a big difference. Happy branding!

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